Tuesday, May 16, 2006

5-13-06 SOS & Picture Mishap

Today's workout was a modified version of Fight Gone Bad....

Unfortunately, it was "Camera disk gone bad!!! "
The pictures on the disk were not salvageable except for the group shot and a couple of Shad. My deepest apologies because those of you that were there ROCKED!!!!! Angela's husband Gene was there and I wanted some shots of him for her. BUT, if everyone wants to do it again this Saturday (evil grin) so we can get some more shots, I'd be happy to accomodate! No matter what though, we'll have a great workout anyway... and I'll ensure the camera's working properly.

So, what we did for this workout was:
3 rounds of 5 stations for 1 minute at each station.
At the end of each round, there's 1 minute break.
During the rounds the time does not stop - move faster during transition = better times!

1. Squats
2. Sumo-deadlift high-pull
3. Incline push-ups
4. Burpees
5. Straight jumps with arms fully extended


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